Bioforcetech at Formula-E (Rome)

Bioforcetech at ABB Formula-E at Rome!
You can be anything you want to be!

April 13th, 2018

Bioforcetech at GFIA!

The “United Arab Emirates” government invited Bioforcetech to present our innovative products at "Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture"! Stay tuned for updates. We have some world changing news.

February 04th, 2018

Bioforcetech on NBC!

Bioforcetech is on #NBC! We are becoming famous ;) #NBCBayArea, 'Upcycling' Sewage: Silicon Valley Company Converts Human Waste to Fertilizer Without Using Energy. NBC News Click link below to watch the video.

Watch the Video

May 04th, 2017

Bioforcetech on the Daily Journal!

Getting rid of waste the clean way: Redwood City company finds a way to turn biosolids into fertilizer with no energy.

Read full article

March 19th, 2017

Started official tests and investors are trustful:

In August the BioForceTech team had the pleasure to host the main investor of the "biosolid to energy plant" project. During the visit all the work progress and the tests data were presented . The investor expressed his satisfaction for the results achieved and he had the opportunity to meet the managers of SBSA, the wastewater treatment plant that hosts the BioForceTech project.

After the optimization phase has begun the first official test of the biological drying system. At this stage the BioForceTech team must demonstrate the efficiency of the drying system through 4 tests conducted with the same process parameters. Until now 2 official tests have been done which were successful.

In the coming days the next 2 tests will be done. After this stage all official data will be published.

October 25th, 2013

Tests begin in California:

With the obtainment of the "air permit", BioForceTech Corp has started ,at the sewage treatment plant in Redwood City CA, the intensive phase of testing for the development of the biosolid treatment plant designed by BioForceTech Corp. This authorization, issued by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (authority releasing such authorization in the area between the cities of San Francisco and San Jose), is considered one of the strictest in the world in terms of emissions of pollutants control into the atmosphere.

Obtaining this permission is a reason to pride for BioForceTech Corp as well as an indication of how the biosolid treatment process is eco friendly.

July 18th, 2013

Starts the New BioForceTech project:

As part of the project developed by Bioforcetech Corp. , the administrative group composed by Dario Presezzi and Valentino Villa will be transferd to the United States.

This marks the beginning of a new phase of the project will be moving soon also the technical group composed of Stefano Pessina, Marco Mosciarello and Mattia Bonfanti.

March 18th, 2013